Book with us!

We do not have a front desk staff, so if you have questions for us, feel free to call, leave a message if we do not answer, or text us. Our office number is (510) 788-1299. You may also email us at

We are a cash-based, private pay physical therapy practice. We are out-of-network with ALL insurance companies. WE CANNOT WORK WITH MEDICARE OR MEDICAID BENEFICIARIES FOR PHYSICAL THERAPY SERVICES.

Our services are effective, highly individualized, and we routinely update our diagnostics and interventions based on current evidence. At Bodyful PT, an insurance company does not determine what your plan of care is, your pelvic specialist will.

Even if your symptoms are the most complex, mysterious, and bothersome, expect once weekly, one hour visits, for about three months. Depending on your needs, diagnosis, and medical history, this means that total treatment can start at $1,180 for a three month physical therapy plan of care.

To get started, choose from the following:

  • Call, text, or email us.

  • Fill out an inquiry form below and we will respond to you soon.

  • Click here to book.

  • A discovery call is recommended if you want to know if pelvic or orthopedic physical therapy is appropriate for you, if you want to speak with a PT before committing, book somatic wellness services, and if you have any other questions of concerns.

  • You may also book Telehealth and in-person physical therapy services online.

You may submit an inquiry form here:


2929 Summit Street, Suite 208
Oakland, CA 94609

Confederated Villages of Lisjan, Ohlone, Muwekma, and Chochenyo land.

Hours: M-F 9 am - 5:30 pm, Sat 10 am - 12:30 pm

Thank you for your patience and understanding regarding our response time and intake process. If you call and we do not answer, we are likely with a client. We do not have a front desk staff and we will get back to you as soon as we can.