What is Holistic Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy?

Expect deep listening, detailed education, and a consent based somatic approach.

Authored by Dr. Karah Charette, PT, DPT, RYT

Step One: Establishing Right Relationship

One of the first offerings we provide that is unique to Bodyful is a free 15 minute video discovery call. This time allows for you and the therapist to attune to each other, collaborate on needs and expectations, and ensure it is the right fit. This can play a vital role in you receiving the care you need and deserve, while also establishing safety and familiarity with your therapist before coming in person to the first appointment.

Step Two: Deeply Hearing Your Story 

When you arrive for your first appointment, you will be given the spaciousness and presence from your therapist to have your story be heard. This means no interruptions as you share, a deep review over any relevant medical history and information, and being witnessed by a grounded PT who is regulating their nervous system so they can really feel and understand all the details. With a somatic approach, your story, beliefs, and experiences matter in your diagnosis and your outcomes. At Bodyful, this is an essential piece to providing you with exceptional care. 

Step Three: A Comprehensive Movement Assessment

Physical therapists are experts in movement. You can expect a full assessment including postural habits, functional movements, and special tests to rule in/out what might be driving your symptoms. The pelvic floor muscles are influenced by biomechanics including posture, loading, and breathing strategies. In order for you to receive comprehensive care, the full body system must be evaluated and included in your plan of care.

Step Four: A Consent Based Hands On Assessment

Pelvic physical therapists are trained in hands-on techniques to assess and treat potential fascial restrictions at specific structures. At Bodyful, therapists are trained in visceral fascial mobilization techniques and so the diaphragm, abdomen, and other indicated areas outside the pelvis are often assessed.  

Another key area often assessed with pelvic dysfunction is the pelvic floor muscles themselves. Pelvic PTs are trained in internal assessments including intravaginal and intrarectal techniques. This essentially means that, with informed consent, a pelvic PT may assess your pelvic floor muscles by inserting one gloved finger with lubricant through the vaginal or rectal canal to palpate which specific muscles might be driving your dysfunction. We can also check the coordination of these muscles. This assessment does not require any equipment such as a speculum or stirrups and is done at Bodyful in an environment that is comfortable, safe, and slowly paced. Consent for assessment and treatment is taken very seriously and at any point during the examination if you no longer want to continue, we establish a clear environment where communication is welcomed and encouraged if there needs to be a pause or a stop in the assessment all together.

Because the therapists at Bodyful are trained in visceral fascial work and are movement experts, we have been able to successfully treat pelvic dysfunction without ever having to do the internal assessment. This is important because if you are someone who does not want to try pelvic PT because of the internal work, you can still get the help you need and deserve with the safety and choice of how it is done.

Step Five: Detailed Education

At Bodyful, detailed education is prioritized. When all of the findings for your assessment have been gathered, the therapist will take the time to explain what findings mean and what is indicated for your plan of care. This includes an estimate of how many sessions you might need as well as what the execution of care will look like. At Bodyful, an appropriate mix of hands on techniques and individualized somatic exercises is often included in the treatments. The plan of care is always collaborative and you will have a voice in what your expectations are and what you are hoping to achieve during your care. 

Step Six: Movement Plan

After your first visit, you are guaranteed to leave with at least one new meaningful movement that will begin to address your symptoms. You will also be leaving with much more information and understanding of your diagnosis and what can be done to create change. Research has shown that even understanding your dysfunction more and knowing you can take agency in your healing can begin to create positive changes in your experience. 


Clients at Bodyful often start to see changes within 2-4 visits. Everyone’s path to healing is on a unique timeline. What we can guarantee is that you will receive care that is comprehensive, evidence based, and somatically informed. You will walk away with a new connection to your pelvis and a new perspective on what is possible in the relationship to your body and your symptoms. Bodyful sets a tone for curiosity as you unlearn the urgency and “quick fixes” of mainstream healthcare, and begin a new quest towards somatic and sustainable healing.

Curious about our method? Book a discovery call here to learn more.

Bodyful Physical Therapy is located in Oakland, CA.

Want to work with us but live far away? Consider telehealth services.


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