Online Pelvic Floor Therapy: Heal From the Comfort of Home
Authored by Dr. Karah Charette, PT, DPT, RYT
Wondering what all the fuss is about with telehealth? Here are 10 reasons it might be a good fit for you:
1. You want to experience Bodyful’s somatic approach to pelvic health.
If you feel called to our somatic approach towards pelvic health and you cannot find that perspective where you are, you might consider working with us via telehealth. If you live in the state of California, you can work with any of our licensed physical therapists and receive skilled physical therapy services. This means you are still eligible for a superbill for these services and could potentially get reimbursement from your insurance. If you do not live in the state of California, you can still work with us via virtual wellness and coaching sessions. This means we can provide education, but we cannot provide a diagnosis, skilled PT notes, and you are not eligible for reimbursement from insurance or workers comp. You can still learn a lot through virtual wellness sessions with a focus on somatics, and it is worth considering in your pelvic health journey.
2. You are currently postpartum and finding childcare makes it hard to get to appointments.
With telehealth, you do not need to leave your home and therefore do not have to worry about the hassle of finding childcare. Especially if you are postpartum before the standard 6 week check up, doing a telehealth session in the early weeks after delivery to begin working on gentle core reintegration, bowel and bladder habits, and posture can make a world of difference in your postpartum recovery.
3. Driving stresses you out and you do not want to sit in traffic.
A large part of what makes a difference in your symptoms is the state of your nervous system. If driving creates a lot of stress and upregulates your nervous system before an appointment, you may not reap as many benefits. Being able to regulate in the comfort of your own home may create better results. It can also save you time and money to not have to sit in traffic when you can do a session in the middle of a work day and then take some time to integrate afterwards.
4. You want an assessment of your movement in a specific environment.
One benefit of telehealth is that you can be assessed in your home environment with specific tasks that might be hard to reproduce in the clinic. This could be how you lift your baby out from a specific crib or even how you use specific workout equipment at home, such as your Pilates reformer. Specificity can reveal the driver of your dysfunction! It is not always what you do but how you do it.
5. You are motivated to be independent in a home program and self treatment techniques.
If you are someone who is very motivated and does well with learning concepts and then applying them to exercise, telehealth is right for you. Some people have been taught the exercises or received the manual therapy, but want to understand how it works and how to implement it at home. In even just one session, you could be on your way to complete self-management of your symptoms.
6. You want more education around your diagnosis and pain science.
You’ve been told your diagnosis but you do not really understand what it means. Telehealth can provide space to focus on unpacking beliefs around a diagnosis, how to manage it, and how it lands in your nervous system. Diagnoses are important for specificity, but they do not have to become an identity. Telehealth can provide education that helps you feel agency, rather than feeling a victim, in a medical model that puts people into boxes. Your story and nuances matter and deserve to be heard and witnessed.
7. You want more education around bowel, bladder, or sexual function and habits.
A lot of times, your pelvic health symptoms are driven by behaviors and habits. This can be unpacked in a telehealth session. Once key patterns have been identified, you can make sustainable changes that lead to sustainable results.
8. You want more education around what to seek in a pelvic PT near you.
Maybe you still want to see a pelvic PT in your area, but you are not sure what to look for. Maybe you are currently seeing a pelvic PT but feel like an aspect of care is missing. Consulting with us can help you find the right therapist for you and help you advocate for the type of care you deserve. Having multiple perspectives on your team can lead to better results.
9. You want to learn how to return to Pilates, yoga, or other movement practices safely and sustainably.
Have you finished pelvic PT but still do not feel ready to return to group classes? We can help! In a few virtual sessions, you can learn Bodyful’s guidelines on how to return to exercise classes like Pilates and yoga safely, regardless of how the teacher might cue. Once you learn some key concepts and understand how to modify exercises for your body, you can join any class and know how to advocate for yourself to make it a sustainable practice.
10. You want a guided home exercise program cued by a professional in the comfort of your home!
If you are someone who feels more safe doing exercise in the comfort of your own home and you want a somatic movement flow that is therapeutic with professional eyes on you the whole time, a virtual session is right for you. We can help synthesize a home exercise program into a flow that feels mindful, safe, and achievable while giving you real time feedback on your form and answering any questions you might have about how it is landing in your body.
There are reasons in person sessions can be powerful, but if you align with any of the values listed here you may want to consider telehealth! Hybrid approaches can be powerful too, as once you have experienced the hands on work, your nervous system has a clearer connection to coordinate movements that will support you for life.
Want to book a virtual session? Reach out to us here.