Work with us for all your pelvic health physical therapy needs.

Our services

Pelvic Health Physical Therapy

With an initial evaluation, share your story, your medical history, fears and beliefs about your symptoms and movement, and your goals with PT. An initial evalulation includes a comprehensive assessment to find what is driving your dysfunction. We offer treatment to relieve your symptoms and to answer your questions about your neuromusculoskeletal drivers. You will get a diagnosis and collaborate with us to create a plan of care that is meaningful to you. We will refer you to the appropriate healthcare providers and resources as needed for holistic and integrative healing. Clients tend to do well within 2-4 visits with us.

90 mins |  Initial Evaluation

60 mins | Follow Ups

30 mins | Tune Ups


Virtual wellness appointments that focus on your primary complaints, past medical history, and goals. The emphasis of these session is education and application of individualized treatment plans to your specific home environment.

Options for 30, 45, and 60 min sessions.  

Pilates Reformer private sessions

Private Pilates sessions on a balanced body reformer in the clinic that can allow for you to focus on your movement patterns while also getting one to one verbal and tactile feedback to further integrate new movement strategies into your nervous system.

Options for 30, 45, and 60 min sessions.  

Bodyful Online Courses

Bodyful is currently offering an online, self-paced course for those who would like to connect with the anatomy of pelvic floor and integrate that information somatically. Once purchased, you have access for life and will have a deep connection to your pelvis.

Click here to learn more.  

Bodyful Physical Therapy and Wellness Oakland California
Pelvic Anatomy Oakland California

“The pelvic floor specialists at Bodyful are so skilled, kind, and professional! I instantly felt comfortable when I arrived for my session. I was taught how to do proper diaphragmatic breathing and self care techniques to do at home when I need. As a very active person, I found their treatment plan to be so helpful to improve my body mechanics for work and daily activities. The pain and discomfort I was experiencing had greatly reduced after just the first session! I highly recommend Bodyful Physical Therapy!”


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.